Buffalo Food – Surroundings – Stories Draw Visitors

Buffalo Food - Surroundings - Stories Draw - Visitors

Fellow Buffalonians! It is me, Bud, again. I always take every opportunity to write about the greatness of our city. Being born and raised here and having some travel experience, I can say without a doubt "We Are The Greatest." It does seem that no matter how many times I say it, not enough people hear my plea. So I decided to take a page from Frederick R. Barnard for this wisdom in the early 20th century. "A Picture Is Worth A Thousand Words."

One of my favorite sources of information is YouTube.com. It has been made clear that anyone can find anything on YouTube. Am I right? You must have tried it for some repairs or just entertainment. So while checking out the endless amount of videos concerning Buffalo food, I came onto a couple that I like a lot. They are traveling through New York State filming experiences and bringing it all to us in a very entertaining and professional manner.

Endless AdventuresThe Endless Adventure
509K subscribers

Now, this is my disclaimer. I am in no way affiliated with "Endless Adventure." I receive no compensation from "Endless Adventure," nor do I claim any credit for the fine work they do.

The video below will be the best 15 minutes you can spend if you are a displaced Buffalonian. This video is a thousand words worth that I could not adequately express.